Before my bat-mitzvah, I remember having a meeting with one of the rabbis at my temple and he asked me about my aspirations for the future. I told him without hesitation that I wanted to be a dietician. I was 13 at the time, and since then I have changed my mind one hundred times about what I wanted my career to be. It was not until recently that my passion for health reemerged. When I began my freshman year of college, I started to understand why kids gain the “freshman fifteen”.

It wasn’t before long that I noticed that I too was falling into the trap of loving the unlimited food in the dining hall (including limitless froyo), ordering late night food with my roommate, excessive eating of ramen noodles and easy mac. After meals, I would always feel sick. I now know that eating a huge ice cream cone after a huge bowl of pasta with alfredo sauce was not the best idea. If I had not put a stop to my unhealthy habits when I did, I too would have gained the infamous freshman fifteen. I was sick of feeling sick, and I knew that this meant I would have to make drastic changes to my diet.

This realization was in November of last year and over the past 6 months, I have done extensive research on the best way to achieve optimal health through nutrition. My quest and journey for health has led me to living a plant-based vegan diet. This particular diet is based on the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted and unlike dangerous crash/fad diets, this diet has been proven in it’s ability to provide long-term health.

Even though I was 13 when I told my Rabbi I wanted to be a dietician, I clearly had a deep rooted passion for healthy living from a young age. Taking control of my health has been my greatest accomplishment thus far because I believe the greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of health. I am getting emotional while writing this because I know my life is changed for the better and I would love nothing more than to help other people in the same respect. That is why I have officially decided to pursue becoming a holistic health coach. I am so excited to continue sharing my journey, and hopefully will inspire you along the way.


Danielle Brown

Hi! I’m Danielle Brown, the face behind HealthyGirl Kitchen! I share easy, approachable plant-based recipes that are not only healthy but taste amazing. Follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook for free vegan meal ideas, recipes and healthygirl tips.

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